cloudflare为应对新型冠状病毒,CEO马修•普林斯今向全球用户发送致全球用户的一封信 – 阳光实验室


北京时间2020年3月13日上午,cloudflare创始人、首席执行官CEO马修•普林斯(Matthew Prince)向全球所有的cloudflare用户的注册邮箱中发送了一封群发邮件,内容涉及cloudflare为应对COVID-19(2019-NCOV/2019新型冠状病毒)在全球的蔓延而采取的技术上的应对措施。比如受到美国疫情影响旧金山总部办公室以及全球其他cloudflare分中心办公室临时调整为居家办公,以及为应对意大利等国的病毒大面积爆发方面在互联网流量长期处于高峰的情况下临时增加CDN流量调度,还有为应对其他国家远程办公所带来的流量压力而临时增加带宽和应对由冠状病毒所引发的钓鱼和黑客网络攻击等等官方的一些措施的介绍。cloudflare企业与个人的使用措施略有不同,详情登录官网了解更多内容。




This email was sent to all Cloudflare customers a short while ago


From: Matthew Prince(
Date: Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 4:20 PM UTC-5 / Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 9:20 PM UTC / Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 5:20 AM UTC+8
Subject: Cloudflare During the Coronavirus Emergency


We know that organizations and individuals around the world depend on Cloudflare and our network. I wanted to send you a personal note to let you know how Cloudflare is dealing with the Coronavirus emergency.


First, the health and safety of our employees and customers is our top priority. We have implemented a number of sensible policies to this end, including encouraging many employees to work from home. This, however, hasn’t slowed our operations. Our network operations center (NOC), security operations center (SOC), and customer support teams will remain fully operational and can do their jobs entirely remote as needed.


Second, we are tracking Internet usage patterns globally. As more people work from home, peak traffic in impacted regions has increased, on average, approximately 10%. In Italy, which has imposed a nationwide quarantine, peak Internet traffic is up 30%. Traffic patterns have also shifted so peak traffic is occurring earlier in the day in impacted regions. None of these traffic changes raise any concern for us. Cloudflare’s network is well provisioned to handle significant spikes in traffic. We have not seen, and do not anticipate, any impact to our network’s performance, reliability, or security globally.


Third, we are monitoring for any changes in cyberthreats. While we have seen more phishing attacks using the Coronavirus as a lure, we have not seen any significant increase in attack traffic or new threats. Again, our SOC remains fully operational and is continuously monitoring for any new security threats that may emerge.


Finally, we recognize that this emergency has put strain on the infrastructure of companies around the world as more employees work from home. On Monday, I wrote about how we are making our Cloudflare for Teams product, which helps support secure and efficient remote work, free for small businesses for at least the next six months:


As the severity of the emergency has become clearer over the course of this week, we decided to extend this offer to help any business, regardless of size. The healthy functioning of our economy globally depends on work continuing to get done, even as people need to do that work remotely. If Cloudflare can do anything to help ensure that happens, I believe it is our duty to do so.


If you are already a Cloudflare for Teams customer, we have removed the caps on usage during this emergency so you can scale to whatever number of seats you need without additional cost. If you are not yet using Cloudflare for Teams, and if you or your employer are struggling with limits on the capacity of your existing V/P/N or Firewall, we stand ready to help and have removed the limits on the free trials of our Access and Gateway products for at least the next six months. Cloudflare employees around the world have volunteered to run no-cost onboarding sessions so you can get set up quickly and ensure your business’ continuity.


Sign up for an onboarding session:


Thank you for being a Cloudflare customer. These are challenging times but I want you to know that we stand ready to help however we can. We understand the critical role we play in the functioning of the Internet and we are continually humbled by the trust you place in us. Together, we can get through this.


Matthew Prince
Co-founder & CEO
Cloudflare ( )





发件人:Matthew Prince(
日期:2020年3月12日星期四16:20(美国东部时间EST)/ 2020年3月12日星期四21:20(格林尼治时间GMT)/ 2020年3月13日星期五05:20(北京时间CST)










最后,我们认识到,随着越来越多的员工在家办公,这一紧急情况给全球公司的基础设施带来了压力。周一,我写了关于我们如何制作Cloudflare for Teams团队产品的文章,该产品有助于支持安全高效的远程工作,至少在未来六个月内对小型企业免费提供:















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