vultr搬瓦工相继宣布支持安装全新的操作系统CentOS 8/Debian 10 – 阳光实验室

近日,vultr和搬瓦工相继宣布增加CentOS 8和Debian 10两款全新操作系统的镜像安装,想要体验这两款全新操作系统的朋友可以在这两家部署相应系统的实例体验全新的系统。Debian团队于今年7月正式发行全新的操作系统Debian 10,而在不久之前在9月下旬的时候时隔五年CentOS团队也发行了全新的CentOS 8系统,比起Ubuntu半年一小更两年一大更这样的高频率更新不同,Debian和CentOS这两款系统的更新时间则是非常长的,CentOS的上一个大版本CentOS 7也都是2014年发行的距今已经过去五年了,后续支持时间最长可达十年之久。


在目前仍然有很多人在使用CentOS 6和Debian 8这样的老系统,即将结束支持也就是各大主机商即将下线的系统。现在很多商家都已经开始支持Debian 10系统的安装了,而目前CentOS 8由于刚刚发行暂时还有很多不支持的,但可以想见的是未来会陆续有很多服务商将支持这一系统的安装并在未来成为主流。就拿全新的CentOS 8系统来说吧,新系统最大的特点就是原生支持BBR,自带BBR功能也就是说压根不存在搬瓦工 cloudcone的那种BBR版本的64位CentOS系统了,不跟6和7那样了,通通支持BBR。再一个就是yum包程序的安装都升级到了全新版,yum update命令更新的项目不会再跟以前那样长时间更新刷屏了,更新的内容只有一点点。装有最新的5.3版本全新系统内核,比6的2.6内核和7的3.10内核来说内核版本将更加稳定,适合需要高内核版本的项目运行,关于8系统有什么变化请直接搜索专门的介绍页面。


最近vultr官方也上线了CentOS 8系统稳定版的镜像,vultr用户从现在开始就可以选择部署CentOS 8系统的实例,同时也可以选择Debian 10 / Ubuntu 19.04等新系统以及即将上线的Ubuntu 19.10系统。搬瓦工两款系统的镜像也已经上线,预计其他服务商将在未来的一段时间内陆续跟进。


VULTR上线CentOS 8系统公告:(English/简体中文)



October  07,2019


The world of operating systems is always changing – patches, new versions, and new concepts! With Vultr’s frequently updated library of operating systems, you can always be sure you have access to a wide range of OS images that can be deployed anywhere on our worldwide platform in seconds.

Just last week, CentOS 8 was the latest image to be added to our OS library. The RHEL-compatible open source offering comes packed with new features and an updated kernel. Notable updates include a new package manager, new software repositories, updates to system applications, databases, programming languages, and much more. This Linux distro is also well known for its 10 year long-term support.

In addition, new updates are planned for other distros in the coming weeks. Notable future releases include Ubuntu 19.10, Fedora 31, OpenBSD 6.6, and FreeBSD 12.1. The Vultr team will add these images to our library shortly after the stable versions are offered to the public.

Besides CentOS, our full operating system library offers multiple versions of Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and Windows. Our diverse list of operating systems provides flexibility for organizations looking for both short-term and long-term supported solutions. Still not sure which operating system you want to use on the Vultr cloud? Read more about how they compare.

Do you need a different operating system that you don’t see in our official image list? Vultr can run virtually any environment by leveraging our Upload ISO feature. With this feature, customers can bring their own operating system images and are able to create virtually unlimited OS combinations in any of our 16 worldwide locations.

Are there any other operating systems you’d like to see in our official library? Share your feedback via our contact page or by tweeting @Vultr!


部署CentOS 8从我们庞大的镜像库中选择!





就在上周,centos 8是添加到我们系统库中的最新系统镜像。与RHEL兼容的开源产品中包含了新功能和更新的内核。值得注意的更新包括一个新的包管理器、新的软件存储库、对系统应用程序、数据库、编程语言的更新等等。这个linux发行版也以其10年的长期支持而闻名。






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