vultr最新资讯:高频云服务器扩展至13个数据中心,对象存储功能上线测试 – 阳光实验室

最近vultr有两件大事值得各位准备购买VPS的朋友们的关注,一个是将测试中的高频云服务器在单一的新泽西机房的基础上再增加12个机房,高频云服务器扩展至全球13个数据中心。另一个是在新泽西机房上线对象存储服务的测试,并在未来拓宽到全球其他机房中。6月10日vultr正式进行了全站的改版与品牌升级并摆脱自己给用户是个VPS服务商的刻板印象,推出了迈向云服务的全新高频VPS云服务器。当时vultr在官方博文中表示会在今年夏天的晚些时候面向全球其他机房推广高频服务器业务,现在vultr真的履行了承诺,8月5日vultr官方公告发布了高频服务器将在全球13个机房上线,在新泽西机房的基础上新增12个机房,剩下的3个机房(巴黎、法兰克福、多伦多)也将在之后陆续上线,vultr也表示会让16个机房都开通这项业务。除此之外,vultr在8月12日又发布了另一款重量级的新产品——对象存储,与亚马逊Amazon S3一样的云存储类产品。目前正在进行公测阶段,仅在新泽西机房上线测试,未来也会陆续向全球其他机房推广此服务。





August 5,2019


Since launching High Frequency Compute in June 2019, customers have been giving us rave reviews about the incredible performance of these new offerings. Powered by 3GHz+ CPUs and local NVMe storage, High Frequency Compute delivers class leading performance and accelerates the performance of even the most demanding applications.

And besides the great performance, the most frequent feedback we heard from our customers was “When is my location getting High Frequency Compute”? Our goal from the start has been to make this high performance compute lineup available in all of our 16 data centers.

Our global roll out continues and we are pleased to announce that today High Frequency is available in most of our locations:


• Amsterdam
• Atlanta
• Chicago
• Dallas
• Los Angeles
• Miami
• New York / New Jersey
• Seattle
• Silicon Valley
• Sydney
• Tokyo
• Singapore
• London
• And more coming soon!

Haven’t tried high frequency compute yet? Deploy a 3+ GHz instance today! Or share your thoughts with us by sending us feedback on our contact page or by tweeting @Vultr!













The storage team here at Vultr has been busy building out a new addition to our expansive worldwide cloud infrastructure. Introducing Object Storage!

Vultr Object Storage is a highly scalable solution for storing large quantities of files, eliminating the need to manage your own custom infrastructure. Our architecture was designed from the ground up to provide high redundancy and data durability, and backed by blazing fast NVMe caching to make sure you have the best storage performance. In addition, Object Storage is S3 compatible, allowing you to integrate with existing tools and SDKs.

We are extremely excited to share that Object Storage is available to all of our customers starting today. You only pay for the amount of data stored or transferred out of the bucket. With an initial release in our NY/NJ region, we will be rolling this feature out to more Vultr regions in the near future.

Ready to get started? Visit the Object Storage page to learn more. You can also read our Object Storage documentation which explains in detail how object storage works and includes usage examples with some popular tools.

Share your feedback with us via our contact page or Twitter.












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